Tina Hyland, a certified Life & Business Coach who is passionate about helping business owners achieve their goals and live life on their terms. Her mission is to lead, coach and inspire women entrepreneurs to become freedom-filled, empowered business owners. She specializes in helping you “get out of your own way” and overcome limiting beliefs around money so that you can learn to thrive, not just survive in your business. She knows how to break things down into actionable steps while achieving success without “overcomplicating” things. Balance is key and she will show you how to sustain a profitable business while making time for you and your family without sacrificing either's success.
- CEO Hack: Self-development and never-ending improvement
- CEO Nugget: Don't settle for less than your best
- CEO Defined: Transforming lives and organizations
Website: https://www.tinahyland.com/
FB – @tinahylandcoach
IG – @hylandtina
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