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Founder Helps Clients Gain Exposure in Mainstream Media

Podcast interview with Justin Breen

Justin Breen is Founder/CEO of BrEpic, a PR firm that writes compelling, newsworthy stories for its clients and pitches those stories to media across the country (to help amplify messaging). BrEpic has worked with clients including Allstate, University of Illinois, Salvation Army, national IT firms, national hotel chains, financial planners, physicians, non-profits and many more.

  • CEO Hack: Running six days a week outside, reading and prioritizing my family
  • CEO Nugget: (1) Everything is going to be okay (2) Focus on what you're good at
  • CEO Defined: Freedom and living the life you're supposed to be leading as a proffesional


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Check out one of our favorite CEO Hack’s Audible. Get your free audiobook and check out more of our favorite CEO Hacks HERE.

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