I am CEO

Author Helps Clients Find, Win, and Keep More Business

Full Interview from I AM CEO Podcast - IAM999

Mark Boundy has grown businesses in a variety of industries for 25 years, amassing wide-ranging experience in sales, marketing, new product development, and product management. He helps his clients find, win, and keep more business—more profitably. He’s led firms to be value – and price–leaders in a wide variety of product and service industries.

Mark wrote “Radical Value. Elevate Your Company – and Career – By Unleashing the Power Within Customer Centricity. Boundy Consulting, LLC. helps its clients find, win, and keep more business…more effectively and more profitably.

  • CEO Hack: Focus of a mountain biker
  • CEO Nugget: Understand what's the most important and drives towards that
  • CEO Defined: Choosing the right direction as chosen by your customers


Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Value-Company-Customer-Centricity-ebook/dp/B08527K4ZG

Full Interview:

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