I am CEO

Founder Positively Impacts Companies’ Bottom Line

Full Interview from I AM CEO Podcast - IAM923

Bimal is the Founder of Rajparth Group of Companies that provide unique and customized consulting to executives and teams of companies to positively impact their bottom line.

Bimal is on a mission to make pioneers out of entrepreneurs by helping them achieve their three-year goal in one-year and have the government pay for it through Grants. Bimal Shah is well-known in South Florida and in business community for the last 21 years. He has been feautured on Today's Honoree, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Laws of Life, True Oldies Radio, David Meltzer Podcast, adn Diversified Game. He is a recognized speaker with presentations at several professional business associations, conferences, and meetings like Goldman Sachs Cohorts, ABWA, BNI, NPI, BRIC, Vistage, SFHHA, SFHNG, Lab Miami, AANGFL, SFTA, and Religious organizations like JAINA and SFHT.

He is married for 21 years to his wife Ami and dedicated father to his two daughters after which he named his company. He has been successfully training and coaching entrepreneurs, executives, and employees to take their life and work to a whole new level. Bimal's organization helps bring control and charge in the lives of entrepreneurs by making their teams happily engaged, striking a balance between Work and Life, adding security from the Seven enemies of Wealth, and making their business very unique.

Bimal Shah is the author of several books. His first book- “The Daily Happiness Multiplier” teaches 52 different systems that can transform people’s lives. His second books are series of 13 books. The series is titled, “The Breakthrough Accelerator”- Part 1 and 2 of 13 have been published and the others are being worked upon. He loves horse-riding, reading, writing, and traveling many places around the world.

  • CEO Hack: Solve interesting problems that others don't want to solve
  • CEO Nugget: Five key words- attack, improve, pivot, learn and change
  • CEO Defined: Chief Exponential Officer
See also  Founder Unveils the Secrets in Building Bridges Between Businesses and Marketing


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/URACHIEVER10
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajparthachievers
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_wrH36CwIGcr5aHbVPyYWA

Full Interview:

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