I am CEO

Wellness Coach Helps Individuals Turn Food and Habits Into Superpowers for Health and Happiness

Full Episode from I AM CEO Podcast - IAM2109

In this episode, we have Kristen Coffield, founder of the Culinary Cure where she coaches motivated individuals to elevate their health and energize their lives. Expert in hydration, sleep, stress and sustainable weight loss.

Kristen teaches purpose-driven humans to turn food and habits into superpowers for health and happiness. She simplifies wellness into doable daily habits that hold the key to creating a healthy span to last a life span while increasing focus and productivity.

Kristen is the author of How Healthy People Eat and Eaters Guide to Healthy Habits and her foundational coaching program is the 21-Day Wellness Reset.

Furthermore, Kristen share the importance of taking control of one’s habits, health, and the power of a morning routine.

Website: The Culinary Cure
LinkedIn: Kristen Coffield

Sign up for Kristen Coffield's FREE 14-day free hydration program: https://theculinarycure.com/newsletter/

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Full Interview:


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Kristen Coffield Teaser 00:00

So what I learned after coaching people for a decade was that if I couldn't get people hydrated, I couldn't fix any of their other problems. And hydration is this absolutely crucial habit, micro habit, right? So we have to hydrate to live.

Intro 00:24

Are you ready to hear business stories and learn effective ways to build relationships, generate sales, and level up your business from awesome CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders without listening to a long, long, long interview? If so, you've come to the right place. Gresh values your time and is ready to share with you the valuable info you're in search of. This is the I AM CEO Podcast.

Gresham Harkless 00:51

Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Gresh from the I AM CEO Podcast and I have a very special guest on the show today. I have Kristen Coffield. Kristen, great to have you back on the show.

Kristen Coffield 00:59

Oh my gosh. I think it's been like, I don't know, it was before COVID that we first did the recording.

Gresham Harkless 01:07

Yeah, absolutely. It's been such a long time. It's so crazy. The world's so much different, right?

Kristen Coffield 01:11

Yeah, and I'm older. Now I'm a recipient.

Gresham Harkless 01:15

There we go. You can hardly tell, but I think one of the exciting things is that we're all a little bit older, hopefully a little bit wiser too, but you never know. I'm speaking more for myself than anything else. So before we jumped in, of course, I want to read a little bit more about Kristen saying you hear about all the awesome things that she's been doing and working on. And Kristen is the founder of the culinary cure where she coaches motivated individuals to elevate their health and energize their lives. Expert in hydration, sleep, stress and sustainable weight loss.

She teaches purpose driven humans to turn food and habits into superpowers for health and happiness. Kristen simplifies wellness into doable daily habits that hold the key to creating a healthy span to last a life span while increasing focus and productivity. Kristen is the author of How Healthy People Eat and Eaters Guide to Healthy Habits and her foundational coaching program is the 21 Day Wellness Reset. Kristen accepts highly motivated individuals for private coaching. She curates corporate wellness programs to help businesses empower their teams with tools to reclaim their health and support, personal and professional success.

And one of the things that I took from one of the interviews that Kristen did is she said she took back control of her life one bite at a time, which she had a point in her life that kind of pushed her towards all the awesome things that she's doing. But what I love more than anything else is that we don't realize the impact and opportunity we have to take control of our lives. And I think Kristen definitely knows this. I'm sure we're going to drill down more into that. And she was a previous guest on episode 40 of our I AM CEO Podcast. And we were just talking about, we actually recorded that live in person. So super excited to have you back on the show, Kristen. Are you ready to speak to the I AM CEO community?

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Kristen Coffield 02:56

I am Grash and I'm excited to share a lot of information that everybody listening can actually apply immediately. So at the end of this podcast, we're going to give away a really special free 14 day hydration program and nobody who's listening is going to not want to go ahead and take advantage of this.

Gresham Harkless 03:21

Yeah, absolutely. That's why I love having Kristen back on the show she's such a wealth of knowledge and information and we don't realize that sometimes those things are like literally right in front of us and we just need to reset ourselves and be able to leverage that tremendously. So I love that we're gonna have that in show notes so that you can take advantage of. But I guess to kick everything off let's rewind the clock a little bit. Here a little bit more on how you got started, what you've been working on, what I call your CEO story.

Kristen Coffield 03:43

Yeah so in my 50s I went through what a lot of people go through and whether it's the end of a marriage or the end of a career or some major life transition, I had a tsunami of personal events that all collided and hit me at once. So I lost my parents, there were some financial struggles, that last kid went off to some real life struggles have to look at my life a what my priorities were. Through these real life know a lot of people have experienced this, and even during COVID, for a lot of people, that was a really difficult time. And when you go through something like this, you start to think about all the things you can shed, what you don't need to be carrying as you continue on life, but you also realize what a gift each day is.

And one of the biggest things that I had, even though I was already in the wellness space, I had let my healthy habits slide. And what that led to was a hamster wheel situation, if you will, where you're struggling with real life challenges and then your habits go in the dumpster and it makes everything worse. So you're just on this treadmill. And when I got to the end of my rope, I realized that I couldn't control everything, but I could control what was on the end of my fork. And that really became the starting point for creating the culinary cure and helping other people who find themselves in a situation like that.

Gresham Harkless 05:38

I appreciate you sharing your story. So let me ask you this, how do you help people to have awareness around those things? Can you take us through a little bit more on how you're serving your clients. I know we have the book and all the awesome things that you're doing with your program. Could you take us through exactly what that might look like?

Kristen Coffield 05:52

Yeah, so everybody starts at the exact same place. So what I learned after coaching people for a decade was that if I couldn't get people hydrated, I couldn't fix any of their other problems. And hydration is this absolutely crucial habit, microhabit, right? So we have to hydrate to live. You can only go for 3 days without water, you can go for 30 days without food. So hydration is everything. It is linked to everything and it is this cornerstone behavior that when we get it, it makes all the other things happen organically and easily. But the problem is nobody's hydrating properly.

So people are drinking more water, but they're not boosting their water with electrolytes. They're drinking too much water at one time. They're drinking too much water late in the day. They're not eating a nutrient plant-based diet, so they're missing out on the hydration from food. And it takes 14 days to become properly hydrated. And most people don't understand that. So they drink a lot of water on Monday and then by Friday they're down to, so everybody listening is what can I do to up level my productivity? You can get more hydrated. If you're even a little dehydrated, it affects your ability, your cognitive ability to make good decisions.

And that's all kinds of decisions. That's what you eat and drink. It's how you're going to respond to the person in front of you that just slammed on their brakes. And it's the decisions you make in a professional setting. When we're asleep, our body and brain, our body is in fasting mode so that our brain and all of our major organs can go through their cycle, their detox cycle. So it's like changing the oil in your car. So every night, your body and brain go through this metabolic detox and all that metabolic waste that's accumulated from your organs functioning properly ends up in your lymphatic system. We don't need that. For women, it can lead to disrupted hormones. So we just, here's this micro habit that we have to do to live.

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And yet most of us don't understand how it works and how to optimize it. And it's this powerful tool because when you're drinking enough water and you're drinking it consistently and constantly throughout the day, it literally gives you superpowers. And for anybody listening, it will dial down your stress, it will improve your sleep, and it will energize you. It'll give you more energy.

Gresham Harkless 08:47

Nice. I appreciate you so much in sharing that. I almost wonder if your awareness of that is part of your secret sauce.

Kristen Coffield 08:53

Yeah, it absolutely is the secret sauce because I would say that most people. Here's a pretty typical scenario and anybody listening, like you're going to be like shaking your head, yeah, yeah, that's me, that's me. If you ever wake up in the morning and your first feeling is anxiety or your first thought is oh my gosh, I've got so much on my plate today, or you're worried about something that could be personal or professional, that right there, you're waking up and you're in your subconscious mind.

So your subconscious mind is where your inner critic lives, it's where anxiety thrives, and you know that inner critic, give your inner critic a name because many of us have very strong inner critics and they're always working hard to pull us B of behavior that we might us safe at one point in O you get up and you have a powerful morning routine, and this is gonna tie into the hydration, the power of a morning routine gives you control over your inner critic.

Gresham Harkless 10:11

Nice, I appreciate you sharing that, and I almost wonder if that's one of the CEO hacks, or actually two of those CEO hacks, is how impactful that morning routine is, of course, including that hydration, but also to that I'm going to say that positive thought, journey and being able to vacation and be able to understand how that can I imagine while you back to sleep is like one of those things that we sometimes we don't realize the things that we're doing that can be defeated, defeating the goal that we ultimately have? I want to get up at 5 a.m. by looking at my phone. I'm defeating what my goal is. We don't sometimes understand how we're counteracting that.

Kristen Coffield 10:45

And it's like jet lag, right? So sorry, sorry you had you woke up in the night, but guess what? Not everybody sleeps through the night every night. It's normal to have some nights where you're like, whoa, I shut my eyes and then I woke up the next day rested and other nights for women a lot of it might have to do with the moon cycle or to have a menstrual cycle that can affect it stress in our lives can affect it. So just accept that every night you're not going to have what you think of as perfect sleep, but you still might be getting deep restorative rest. And let go of the outcome and the idea that every night's going to be this perfect sleep and embrace more that the rest you're getting and just relax.

It's this hyperactivity where we're looking at our screens all the time, oh, and get off your phone an hour before you want to fall asleep. Guys, you got to put your phone to bed. Unless you're an emergency room doctor, people can leave you a message. You can put your phone away and just give yourself some time so that you're doing the best for you because you need to show up. You need to show up at work, you need to show up for your family, you need to show up for your community, and to be the best version of yourself, you've gotta have some healthy boundaries. So, that's my rant.

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Gresham Harkless 12:19

There you go, no, those hacks are phenomenal. So, what would you consider being a little bit more of what I call a CEO nugget? You might have already session on this. It could be something you would tell your younger business self if you were to hop into a time machine or you might tell your favorite client.

Kristen Coffield 12:32

Yeah, I would absolutely emphasize that your health and wellness are, is the most important tool for having a successful business. They are not separate things. And very much of the messaging that many of us got as we were developing our companies and building our brands is that, oh, you can sleep when you're dead or just have another cup of coffee or work. Just you can you can work as many hours as you want and there is a huge difference between grinding and being productive and very often in the the messaging we got about about just grinding it out, just like making it happen, what we're missing is the joy of the achievements and the process and the human connection.

And we talked a little before the podcast about the soft skills that make us better people to work with and for, and better family members, better friends. So the goal at the end of the day is to feel good every single day. That is priceless. If you sacrifice your health for your career, then what is the joy in that? How is that serving your family and your community and your business? These are two parts of your life and they go together. And the best currency is happiness. So being happy at what you do, being healthy, you lose your health, you'll spend all your time and money trying to get it back. So invest in both and see how they're connected.

Gresham Harkless 14:30

Nice, I love that word that you said invest and so now I want to ask you my absolute favorite question which is the definition what it means to be a CEO and our goal is to have different quote unquote CEOs on the show so Kristen and what does being a CEO mean to you?

Kristen Coffield 14:42

It means that I take what I'm passionate about and I repackage it in a way. I see myself as an interpreter of knowledge and so it's like I'm a culinary wellness coach so I create recipes that makes these bigger, more complicated themes and ideas easy for people to digest.

Gresham Harkless 15:10

I love that. So Kristen, truly appreciate that definition and that perspective. Of course, I appreciate your time even more. So what I want to do now is pass you the mic so to speak to see if there's anything additional that you can let our readers and listeners know and of course how best people can get a hold of you, about your book, your course, all the awesome things that you're working on

Kristen Coffield 15:27

Okay, thank you. Everything Kristen Coffield can be found at theculinarycure.com. I have over 200 original healthy recipes on my website that are all free. My book is How Healthy People Eat, An Eater's Guide to Healthy Habits. You can find that on my website. And I am just really excited to share the 14-day hydration program. It's absolutely free. It's a great program. There's a quiz. You're gonna get daily emails. And the reason it's 14 days is because it takes 14 days to become properly hydrated.

Gresham Harkless 16:08

Awesome, awesome, awesome. And of course, to make that even easier, we'll have the links and information in the show notes as well too, so that everybody can follow up with you. Thank you so much for that and I hope you have a phenomenal rest of the day.

Kristen Coffield 16:17

Thank you so much for having me on. Now everybody grab a glass of water.

Outro 16:21

Thank you for listening to the I AM CEO Podcast powered by CBNation and Blue16 Media. Tune in next time and visit us at iamceo.co. I AM CEO is not just a phrase, it's a community. Want to level up your business even more? Read blogs, listen to podcasts, and watch videos at cbnation.co. Also, check out our I AM CEO Facebook group. This has been the I AM CEO Podcast with Gresham Harkless, Jr. Thank you for listening.



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