Rundown: CEO Bookshelf, Networking Tips & Podcast on Writing a Book [CBNationTV]
CBNation TV Rundown - Week of 10/29/17

My name is Gresham Harkless and I’m from and Blue 16 Media and you are now watching our CBNation TV Rundown for the week of November 29th 2017. I’m excited because This is our very first run the CBNation Rundown and we created this to give you a quick rundown of all the things going on across our community. So let’s get started..
#1. CEO Bookshelf on Teach a CEO with a featured book Called to Create: A biblical invitation to create, innovate and risk by Jordan Raynor. Check it out:
#2. One of our recent roundups called 26 Entrepreneurs Share their best networking tips on Rescue a CEO. Pay special attention to #13 with Ivan Misner the founder of BNI and he spoke about the idea of farming versus hunting in networking and how important it is to build relationships. Check it out:
$3. Check out Chat #43 with Bea Wray from Forbes Books on how they help people increase their know and like by writing a book. Check it out: